Monday, February 7, 2011

Mr.Velukkudi Krishnan's answer for Deivam Manushya RoopeNa

Happened to watch the video of Mr.Velukkudi Krishan in you tube about "Deivam Manushya RoopeNa"

Gist :
In this video Mr.Krishnan says the Almighty is not expecting to do any favor for him directly. Instead he wanted his devotees to help the poor by any means (Physically, Monetarily). He also opposes the wastage of Milk, Curd or any food items that is been used for Abishekam's which can be properly used to feed 1000's of starving children. Also he claims that when a marriage is done in any religion the food is been given to people who already have sufficiently to help themselves. Rather than inviting people who already are well to do the food can be served to larger audience. Also he advices people not to confine themselves to religion/caste/creed/country to help others. According to Upanishad's all human beings are God' children. So immaterial of the barriers he ask everyone to help the needy people.

Finally he claims that a true Vaishnavite/Devotee is not the one who prays or praise the Lord. Lord himself cannot help all people directly. A true Devotee is one who cares for the welfare of the world without expecting anything in return.

Embedded the youtube video of the same.

Prasadh S